All sermons are © Mark
Reid 2011. Proper Use Policy is that you can use these to
catchup on what I have been teaching. Please feel
free to browse and study what has been said and I hope you find them an
inspiration to you. They are not finely crafted publication
documents but just my notes.
If you
are a preacher looking for ideas, I hope these help. Someone once said
that a sermon is the Word of God filtered through a person's life.
Based on this definition preachers need to write their own sermons.
These sermons are presented not to be preached by others but to add to
the dialogue as others study and prepare their sermons. Do yourself and
your congregation a favour. Study and pray and allow the Holy Spirit to
move you. God called you to be a preacher. Answer that
calling! Oh, incidentally, if you thought that was a clever
thing to say, then I'm quoting a guy called Alex
Stevenson!! !